Fresh Concrete On-Demand
Mix concrete on-site, so it’s always fresh and ready to use. No more worries about old, unusable batches.
Precise Mix Every Time
Make just the right amount of concrete with the exact mix you need.
Easily switch mix designs without heading back to the plant, so you can tackle multiple jobs in one day without hassle.
Eliminate waste
Reduce waste and environmental impact by using only what you need, saving time, resources, and money.
Control Your Budget
- Replace multiple ready-mix trucks with one volumetric mixer for cost savings.
- Skip delivery fees and keep concrete production in-house for better budget control.
- Track material usage and pouring in real-time with ACCU-POUR™ tools.
Control Your Environmental Impact
- Reduce waste by making only the concrete you need, saving resources and money.
- Use less water—just 8-10 gallons to clean a volumetric mixer versus 200 gallons for a barrel truck.
- Lower fuel consumption with fewer trucks needed, reducing your environmental footprint.
Volumetric Concrete Mixers vs. Traditional Barrel Mixers
Volumetric concrete technology is changing how we mix and deliver concrete, making it flexible for any project size. From their ability to customize mixes on-site to their efficient and cost-effective operation, volumetric mixers offer a level of flexibility and convenience that traditional methods can’t match.
How Baytown Solved Concrete Supply Challenges with Volumetric Mixers
The City of Baytown, Texas, faced a serious problem: securing reliable and cost-effective concrete supply. Learn More >
How Volumetric Mixers Helped Whitley’s Concrete Products Meet Demand for Septic Tanks
Whitley’s Concrete Products, based in Conroe, Texas, has been pouring septic tanks since 1970, serving the wastewater industry with quality and reliable products. Learn More >
Rock Solid Success with Volumetric Mixing
When Michael Bednar, Sr. and his son, Michael Bednar, Jr. founded Rock Solid Precast in Conroe, Texas, they quickly realized that the key to growth was having reliable equipment that could meet their increasing concrete needs. Learn More >